It’s summertime which means kids are off school and home. Schedules change, longer days allow for hours of play, and chores can easily get neglected. It’s not just kids’ chores that can fall by the wayside. Vacations and family fun time could leave you zooming out the door or resting in the sun rather than prioritizing vacuuming and dusting.
What can you do to stay on top of cleaning this summer? Here are a few tips sure to balance fun and responsibility.
Take it Easy
We aren’t necessarily telling you to lower your standards in the summer, but we are suggesting that you give some realism to the idea that the house will stay in tip-top shape. Know what the deal-breakers are and what can slide when it comes to keeping a clean home when schedules are off, and kids are home for the summer.
For example, maybe a rule that shoes come off at the door is a 100% requirement. Or all trash must be thrown in the garbage can before dinner is another. But laundry may take a back seat and become a Sunday and Wednesday-only chore.
Make Routine Based Rules
While schedules have changed, routines can be used to create a rule, such as: when you get home from swimming, clothes go right in the washer. No exceptions.
Using the word “when” creates a trigger for a specific action. It is very clear. On the contrary, saying, “Clothes need to go in the basket,” isn’t specific enough for all kids to get. You already know this, as evidenced by clothes all over the floor in your child’s bedroom!
Instead, say WHEN, then the condition, followed by the action – it is specific and measurable, which means it can be tested, is easy to understand, and everyone can be held accountable.
Make this fun and get your kids to buy in by creating a “Summer Rules” list, just like they would get at camp. Keep it short, focused on your deal-breakers, and posted where it can be easily seen.
Offer Fun Awards
Kids love games and prizes. Ask them what they’d like to win by performing specific tasks that are needed to keep the house clean. You can set it up a few different ways, such as allowing a certain amount of time playing video games followed by a chore break or by having them complete a task in order to earn gaming time or spending amounts.
With younger kids, using a 3–4-minute song and having them pick up as much as possible before the song ends is a quick way to get them to tidy without it becoming tedious. Use a high-energy song, and once it’s over, they can go on to do the things they love.
Another version of this is to use competition to see who can tidy up the fastest. This could be sibling against sibling, kid against friend, kid versus parent, or even kid versus their own best time. Make it fun, and you will see the rewards.
Find Balance
When it comes to balancing life when kids are off school, a few changes are often all it takes to pivot to more fun and ease. Of course, if nothing about cleaning feels fun or easy, getting help from a professional cleaning company is a great option. While kids can feel like a handful, they will only be kids for so long. Enjoy the time with them and let your hair down to have fun with them during the lazier days of summer.
Focus on the relationships that matter and let A Cleaning Service help with the weekly chores that can get lost in the busyness of life. With over 30 years in the cleaning business, our customers have come to rely on our skill and expertise to make their life easier.
If you have a home or business in the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, or Maryland areas, our award-winning cleaning company seeks to earn your trust and confidence. Call us today for a quote or more information on how our cleaning service can help you.