As the spring melts the snow and brings the rain, we get to enjoy warmer temperatures, fresh air, and cleaning to transition into the sunny seasons. Spring fever may have already hit, and the need to clean often comes with it. Take advantage of daylight savings and your increased energy to clean your home office – or just about anything, with these 7 tips.
Make a plan
Just because you feel more energetic, doesn’t mean you have all the energy to tackle everything at once. Take an inventory of what needs to be done and make a plan for how to complete it, which often includes step 2…
Chunk and delegate
Do you know this quote?
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” – Bill Gates
The same concept applies to large projects – we tend to think we can get them done much quicker than we can. However, when we break them down into smaller projects, we actually do get them done quickly.
Projects that will take more than a few hours are best accomplished through chunking and delegating. Chunking the project into smaller, more manageable parts will help you keep the endurance to get it done. Delegating and recruiting help will also help it go by quicker. Consider asking family, friends, or coworkers for assistance. No time for that? Hiring a professional cleaning company is effective and efficient.
Sort and list
From your plan, begin by sorting the area you want to clean first. File papers. Sort items you want to donate, discard, or store. Make a master list of to-do items. Make a list of what organizational supplies you need to purchase. Get clear by seeing, and then creating, a place for everything.
Donate or sell
From your sorting, determine what is no longer needed and can be donated or sold. Choose a charity, friend, neighbor, or family member who would love your donation. Or, choose how you will sell your goods. With more space, you can now organize easier.
Discard or recycle
Decide what needs to be trashed or recycled. Recycle electronics and equipment, magazines, and papers. Discard rubbish and anything else that isn’t able to be recycled or reused.
Often with the change of seasons, items need to be stored or removed from storage, and now is the perfect time to do that. Décor, clothes, weather-related items – check for appropriateness and make the swap.
With a clean slate, refresh the space by dusting, deep cleaning, doing floor care, and letting in the sun and fresh air. Consider cleaning rugs, carpets, furniture, and windowsills to remove the heavier dirt and grime of the winter.
A Cleaning Service is an award-winning residential cleaning company serving the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland areas. We would love to earn your trust, just as we have been doing for the last two decades with hundreds of clients. Let us help you keep your home or office healthy so you can focus on the tasks and relationships that matter to you! Call today to learn more about our residential cleaning and commercial cleaning services.