When Does Spring Cleaning Start?
Spring cleaning is almost a ritual – welcoming in the change of season and longer daylight. People, just like nature, come out of winter’s clutches, and for many of us, that means swapping out our wardrobes, packing away cold weather and winter holiday items, and creating a fresh, bright environment.
To help you get started, we’ve created some tips to help you both at home and in the office. We call them our top spring cleaning tips for 2023.
Top Spring Cleaning Tips for Home
The easiest place to start is by making space for the new by clearing out the old. Store heavy blankets and linens, coats and boots, and other winter-only items. Remember winter equipment like shovels and winter holiday decorations, and store them away. Wash anything dirty so when the fall comes and you cycle it back out, you don’t have a mess that has grown.
Once you’ve cleared the space, bring out the spring and summer clothing, decor, pool and camping gear, and anything else you will want to have ready.
Make it a fun, group effort
Turn on your favorite summer tunes and have others help you to tackle the window-open tasks! Entice friends to help you clean the garage with the reward of a BBQ. Get kids to pitch in by making it a race with prizes at the end.
Spring is an upbeat time – use that positivity to create the energy and faster pace to get your spring cleaning done.
Chunk it
Some spring cleaning is easy to knock out in an hour or less – storing linens and decor, for example. But other projects, like cleaning a garage or attic, redecorating a spare bedroom, or doing yard work, could be a multi-day spring cleaning adventure. Take your larger projects and break them into smaller, more manageable chunks.
This type of planning can also help you determine what resources are needed to accomplish the task at hand, such as hiring an arborist or leasing a dumpster. A cleaning company may be utilized for deep cleaning, while you deal with other personalized items like sorting through heirlooms.
Toss / Donate / Keep
Finally, sort items into toss / donate / keep boxes and then do just that. Toss broken items, unusable items, and trash (like old mail). Donate items that are in good condition but outgrown, unneeded, or unused. Or, if you are the garage sale type, sell those items and make good use of the funds.
A regular, ongoing practice of this will help you stay on top of clutter and free up your time cleaning so you can focus on more enjoyable tasks.
Top Spring Cleaning Tips for the Office
Sorting isn’t just for home. Often clutter and disorganization start because people aren’t sure where things belong. Find the areas of clutter and begin sorting what is there – putting like with like to determine what is needed to get them organized.
Now that you know what needs to be organized, begin putting items away where they should be. Remember, some of the items may be thrown away or recycled – how many pens does one really need? Donate or repurpose items that aren’t being used.
Consider how to make the organization of items foolproof. This could mean using labels, drawing outlines, or creating space where a certain item will fit but another won’t. There are lots of methods for organization, so find the one that works best for your space.
Clean / Repair
While sorting and organizing, you will likely find areas or items that need to be cleaned or repaired. Don’t simply put them back – take action. This may mean giving them to someone to repair them, hiring a professional, or scheduling a follow-up action, like budgeting for a replacement.
One benefit of using a commercial cleaning company on an ongoing basis is that they also find broken or dirty areas and keep them maintained. Some companies may even provide the repair services you need, but compare their costs versus your most needed services so you don’t overpay.
Delegating cleaning tasks, regardless of the season, can ensure your office space is clean to the most up-to-date specifications including procedures, chemical handling, avoidance of cross-contamination, and more. When it comes to business, an ongoing cleaning schedule will always be more beneficial than simply spring cleaning.
A Cleaning Service in Washington DC
Focus on the relationships that matter and let A Cleaning Service help with the weekly chores that can get lost in the busyness of life. With over 30 years in the cleaning business, our customers have come to rely on our skill and expertise to make their life easier.
If you have a home or business in the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, or Maryland areas, our award-winning cleaning company seeks to earn your trust and confidence. Contact us today for a quote or more information on how our cleaning service can help you tackle more than just spring cleaning.