Fall weather brings cooler nights as nature begins preparing to go into winter’s slumber. We begin to get cozier and plan for the cold weather and snowy activities. In spring, we open windows and begin our spring cleaning, but fall cleaning is important too. Before the windows are sealed and the flu season arises get your fall clean in!
Deep cleaning and purging are great this time of year. Fall cleaning prepares your home for guests, helps get rid of old to make way for new, and keeps your environment comfy and healthy. If the idea of fall cleaning isn’t appealing, it may just be time to get inspired, and we hope to do just that, both at home and at work.
Deep Clean & Purge – at Home
Deep cleaning is a chore, but it doesn’t have to feel like one. Start by making a list of the items that need a deep clean, such as the fridge, counters, cupboards, baseboards, oven, washing machine, and mudroom.
Next, prioritize the list based on urgency. For example, does the mudroom need to be cleared of summer toys to make room for wet boots, sleds, and coats? Does the kitchen need a deep clean before your mother-in-law visits at Thanksgiving? Decide what needs to be done first and how long it will take.
Third, chunk the time for cleaning into reasonable lengths. Of course, an 8-hour cleaning binge might be what you think you need, but you will find reasons to put off such a large, painful task. Instead, determine what you can do in one hour a day, or 20 mins – whatever you feel you can comfortably manage on each day you are able to work on the project.
Fourth: purge! Put a box or bag system in place for garbage and donations. One box or bag should be clearly marked for all giveaway items. If you have more than one donation site, such as a charity and a food bank, mark the boxes separately so you don’t have to sort them a second time.
Get rid of canned foods you know you won’t eat and dispose of expired items. Donate clothes or gadgets you no longer use and dispose of broken items you will never fix. Be honest with yourself about items you are holding onto that you haven’t touched in a year, such as magazines, craft items, or toiletries.
Finally, make it fun by setting a timer, turning on music, gathering helpers, and rewarding yourself for your hard work.
Deep Clean & Purge – at Work
At the office, if you haven’t hired a cleaning company previously, it may be time to shop around for pricing, skills, and services. Professional commercial cleaning companies offer ongoing cleaning as well as seasonal deep cleans and these can save you headaches (and body aches), while also bringing the cleanliness of your office to a higher level.
Start with a list of what needs to be cleaned and at what frequency. High-touch areas should get cleaned more regularly than a high storage shelf, for example. Even if you don’t use a professional cleaning company, just this practice alone will help guide you or those who help with cleaning to stay on top of areas they may miss.
Because deep cleaning doesn’t happen every single week, it’s important to know when it was done last, and your list will guide that. Your list will also help any cleaning company understand your expectations so they can quote you accurate pricing.
Walk your space, conducting a visual inventory of things you have – open boxes and drawers and see what can be thrown out, donated, upcycled, or better organized. Recruit other workers to help sort – many hands make light work, and they may just have skills to help with repurposing, sorting, and organizing you weren’t aware of.
Make it a team-building exercise by incorporating get-to-know-you questions and providing lunch (or an ice cream bar). Get creative, have fun, and you’ll be done in no time!
A Cleaning Service is an award-winning cleaning company serving the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland areas and would love to earn your trust. Read our reviews, then call us for a quote today. Let us help you keep your home or office healthy for every season with regular cleanings or a deep clean, so you can focus on the tasks and relationships that matter to you!