As a professional cleaning company, we have built our business by helping people who don’t have the time, energy, or interest in cleaning and organizing. For that, we are thankful. Everyone has different skills and priorities, and the most successful people (at least those in business) have learned to delegate those things they are not good at.
While we are here to offer support with these three summer cleaning and organizing tips, if you find you’d rather delegate it, we are happy to help you with that as well; of course, you must be in the Washington DC or surrounding areas! If not, let’s get you started with these three valuable tips to clean and organize for the summer.
Clean up with a summer cleaning swap out.
Summertime is often characterized by outdoor activities. If you haven’t already, rotate your summer supplies in and cold weather items out. This could be swapping out coats, boots, and winter wardrobes for swimsuits, flip-flops, and tank tops. It could be storing away heavy down comforters and flannel linens for cooling blankets and crisp cotton sheets. It could be storing snow tubes and bringing out the pool noodles. Whatever the swap-out looks like for you, now is the time.
Organize with a visual place for everything.
But, with the swap out, take time to access what might need better organization. Do you need to clean shoe racks? Organize the linen closet? Get space-saving shelving installed? Often, lack of organization comes down to having a place for things to go and an easy way for them to get there.
Most-used items should be easiest to grab and go (and easiest to put back in place). Consider visual placement, such as labeled cubbies or shelves, spaces big enough for a specific item (and only that item), or outlines that represent the object that belongs there.
Create a flexible routine.
Summer has its own routine – sleeping in, staying up late, playing hard, and having long, lazy days. Even with kids out of school, it’s important to keep a summer cleaning routine, however flexible. This may mean posting a chores schedule, taking time at the end of every day to pick up one item (like clothes), or tidying one room (like the kitchen) so nothing grows out of control. If it’s too overwhelming, there is no shame in asking for help (remember the skill of delegation!).
Kids who are going to childcare still need a routine to help them stay balanced, so don’t just throw structure out the window because school is out. And most importantly, remember to prioritize relationships because those are once-in-a-lifetime experiences that we can often take for granted.
About A Cleaning Service
Put your trust in A Cleaning Service, an award-winning cleaning company serving the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland areas. Contact us today for a quote or more information about how it looks to work with a cleaning service.