Since the COVID pandemic, many home offices and remote workspaces have become the new normal. At one time, remote workers were few and far between, and the opportunities to work from home were sparse or scams.
As today’s remote workers have found their groove, they’ve had to make several adjustments, like stronger internet and a better office chair. However, one area that may have been overlooked or taken for granted is janitorial services.
Those who have worked in a commercial office space likely left at the end of the day, and when they returned the next day, they were pleasantly surprised to discover that the trash was emptied and the bathrooms were clean.
In a home office, we don’t get that luxury. It is our responsibility to wipe down our desks, and empty the trash, in addition to all the other home chores. While some may have learned that hiring a cleaning service could give them that same office clean, most people handled it on their own.
For those tackling cleaning their own remote workspace or home office, here is a cleaning guide to help you achieve the results of a professional cleaning company.
Remote Workspace Cleaning Guide
Most professional commercial cleaning companies start by emptying all the trash cans. You likely have one or two, one for trash and one for recycling. Take that trash and recycling out to the bins and plan how often this should be done.
Keeping an extra bag at the bottom of the trash will help you keep track of supplies before you run out. That extra stashed bag will give you a week’s notice to replace them, and you’ll never find yourself without one.
Wipe Flat Surfaces
Next, cleaning services will wipe down flat surfaces, including desks, cabinets, and shelves. Microfiber cloths are great for this as they don’t require cleaning products unless you prefer them.
Wipe screens, phones, headsets, keyboards, and other electronic devices. If you have glass surfaces, also wipe those down.
Remember to wipe knobs and handles, including those on the door, drawers and cabinets. Look high for vents that might need dusting, and don’t forget switchplates.
Floor Care
Finally, floor care. Depending on the flooring material, this can involve vacuuming or sweeping and mopping. A simple mopping system like a Swiffer can also be used on hard surfaces.
In commercial office spaces, janitorial companies will clean break rooms and restrooms. This would be the kitchen and bathroom in your home office, and your cleaning company will generally handle these when cleaning your home office, as it is all part of the residential space.
Having your kitchen and bathroom cleaned by professionals means you don’t have to worry about cross-contamination. Professional cleaners have specific training on using the right products and not using the same cleaning cloths in bathrooms, kitchens, and offices or living spaces.
Of course, there is a higher chance of spreading germs between co-workers and visitors in a commercial space with many people. However, while you aren’t exposed to multiple people wandering around in your home, you still don’t want to spread germs from one room to another.
A Cleaning Service in Washington DC for Your Cleaning Needs
Is it time to hire a cleaning company to help with your home office or remote workspace?
If you are doing the cleaning, is it worth your time and energy? Or is that time better spent taking a break from your home office and focusing on you and the relationships that matter? Only you can answer that, but if A Cleaning Service can help, we are happy to take the chores, including cleaning your remote workspace, off your plate.
With over 30 years in the cleaning business, our customers have come to rely on our skill and expertise to make their lives easier. We can clean your home, your home office, and your commercial office together or separately.
We service the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland areas, and our award-winning cleaning company seeks to earn your trust and confidence.
Contact us today for a quote or more information on how our cleaning service can help you tackle more this year.