Summer cleaning can be fun with the windows open, beautiful weather, and longer days to tackle bigger projects. But, summer cleaning can also be overwhelming – too hot to be comfortable outdoors, great summer shows to binge, and very full days with energetic kiddos. And we know good days and frustrating days can ebb and flow with the excitement and chaos of a carnival ride.
With that in mind, we want to offer some tips for summer cleaning in both the high times and low. Feeling energized and ready to tackle the big stuff? Our Team Energy Tips are here to guide you. Struggling to get through the week with sanity intact? The Team Easy Tips are for you. Not sure? Read through them all and pick what feels the best for you at the moment.
Team Energy Tips
The days are bright and so is your mood. Here’s how to capitalize on that:
Decide. Pick which big cleaning project you want to tackle. Is it cleaning out the garage? Sorting the attic? Organizing the closet? Deep cleaning the kitchen?
Sort. Once you know what you want to tackle, chunk up the steps into more bite size parts. Determine what supplies you need, such as trash bags, boxes, cleaners, and rags. Start by sorting the area, choosing what is trash, what can be donated (to someone else or to an organization), and what needs to be cleaned or organized.
Consider taking a before picture so you can later marvel at your accomplishment!
Rest. Set some parameters around what needs to be done, such as how often you will take breaks, who will or won’t help, and how loud you will play your music – it has to be fun when you do a deep cleaning – it’s a marathon, not a sprint!
Team Easy Tips
The days are tiring and your energy is lacking. Leaving things in disarray will only add to the overwhelm, so take a stab at cleaning with the kids with these easy tricks:
Time. Set a timer and require all available to help. This could be a 3-minute song, super-duper speedy fast tidy. You, and the kids, can do anything for three minutes! You got this. Crank up the music and see how quick each person can do one area or start a task. It’s okay if you don’t finish – do as much as you can. Later, finish the job or start another 3-minute burst.
Hire. If you truly have no time to clean, have no shame either – hire help. A professional cleaning company is happy to support your efforts and give you a break when it comes to the housekeeping. Let them tackle trash, floor care, and bathrooms. That’s a bit off your plate to focus on other matters.
Ditch the kids. Whether fur kids, or human children, sometimes a break away will do wonders for catching up on rest. Get a sitter and give yourself some peace to refresh and get a leg up on the chaos.
After a time of adulting with chores, give yourself adult time with friends, a nice bath, or time relaxing however you choose, take care of you! Remember, you have to put your oxygen mask on yourself before you can help others.
Looking for help with ongoing cleaning needs to help lighten your load? Want help with a deep cleaning project or with freeing up your time so you can focus on the bigger stuff? Let us help!
Whether you are wanting more time for yourself, for your important relationships, or for the things you love, A Cleaning Service has your back! With over 30 years in the cleaning business, our customers have come to rely on our skill and expertise to make their life easier. If you need help cleaning your home or cleaning your office in the Greater Washington DC, Virginia. or Maryland areas, our award-winning cleaning company seeks to earn your trust with our professional and knowledgeable cleaning services.
Contact us today for a quote or more information.