If you are using a cleaning service, it is likely because you discovered that help with cleaning frees up your time for things you truly enjoy. Some clients say it saves their marriage, reduces stress and family arguments, and allows them to spend more time together. To get the most bang for your buck, there are a few things you can do before your cleaning service arrives.
Communicate Early
Cleaning companies will perform a walkthrough before cleaning for the first time. This allows them to learn your priorities and get a sense of how much time is needed. If you have any special needs, such as wanting extra attention on the kitchen floor, let the cleaning company know.
They have a standard list of tasks to do, so work beyond that scope may cost extra, so be sure to communicate with them ahead of time to determine what is included and excluded from the standard cleaning services.
Tidy Up
The cleaning company doesn’t typically handle washing dishes or laundry. They will prioritize cleaning sinks, bathrooms, and floors, and if they can’t access them because of clutter, they won’t do as good of a job.
Less clutter allows the cleaning company to prioritize the main things, clear off countertops, clear sinks, and pick up items from the floor.
Offer Feedback
After your first clean, you may determine your needs are different from the initial process. Communicate what worked and what didn’t so they can continue to improve how cleaning is done for you specifically.
Stating, “Please ignore the office” or “Please wipe the front of the cupboards” are simple ways to offer feedback that helps cleaners know what to focus on.
Keep Pets Out of the Way
On your first walk-through, be sure to let the cleaning company know what types of pets you have. This allows them to be better prepared for cleaning and include that in their tasks. Deep cleaning carpets or furniture because of pets may not be included in a standard clean, so this can open the communication for your needs to be better met.
Once cleaning day arrives, be sure to have pets out of the way, such as in a specific room that won’t be disturbed by the cleaners, in a crate, or at a daycare. Even if your pets seem friendly, sometimes the presence of a visitor can be distressing to them.
Be Clear About Supplies
If you aren’t home when cleaning is done, be sure to communicate where trash bags, a vacuum cleaner, and cleaning supplies can be found. Some companies provide products, while others don’t. Be sure to clearly communicate who provides what and how low supplies are.
Be Helpful
It is the best etiquette to be accessible but out of the way of the cleaners. Offering a snack or beverage is fine, and be sure you understand the policies about tipping or requesting additional tasks.
Offer compliments, positive reviews, and referrals for work well done. Also, offer suggestions for making the experience better. They want to keep you as a client and hear feedback in order to continue working with you and building a long-lasting relationship.
If you are looking for less stress and more time for the relationships that matter to you, A Cleaning Service is here to help! With over 30 years in the cleaning business, our customers have come to rely on our skill and expertise to make their life easier. If you have a home or business in the Greater Washington DC, Virginia, or Maryland areas, our award-winning company seeks to earn your trust with our professional cleaning services. Contact us today for a free quote or more information.